Today we learn about How to overcome Procrastination: Scientifically Proven Tips to beat Your Procrastination forever. 

So welcome guys, today we talking about Procrastination and laziness. Actually what figures and what are the causes of procrastination. How we can remove laziness and procrastination

11 Proven and Experienced Steps to Overcome Procrastination : Kill Procrastination
Proven and Experienced Steps to Overcome Procrastination : Kill Procrastination

What is Procrastination Meaning?

Procastination is the action of postponing and delaying any works sometimes. Procrastination is a behaviour when anyone don't want to work ok because of tired and laziness.


A person acts laziness and delaying Called Procrastinator. Procrastination comes from the Latin verb Procrastinare, which means deferred until tomorrow.

Similar Synonyms of Procrastination

  1. dithering
  2. delaying tactics
  3. dilatoriness
  4. stalling
  5. temporizing
  6. hesitation
  7. vacillation
  8. humming and hawing
  9. dilly-dallying
  10. shilly-shallying

Opposite Antonyms of Procrastination

  1. timeliness
  2. Punctuality
  3. Accelarity
  4. Hard work

Causes of Procrastination

There is some causes of procrastination that you must know for get highly Experience with Article.

  1. Fear of disapprovalWhen we have fear to loss something and fear about it. The biggest fear in the world that What People say? What my friends say? These things make us foolish and got disapproval for us. Which makes us procrastinator.
  2. A desire to punish someone - Something putting something off and feel uncomfortable.
  3. Feeling - Sometimes our feelings and Emotions makes us Procrastinator. Sometimes our feelings bacomes very sensitive and serious. 
  4. Difficulty in thoughts and actions - Sometimes we trapped in our own thoughts and actions. Sometimes we couldn't complete our own commitments. Which is the main cause of Laziness and Procrastination.
  5. Sometimes break routine and go against routine and schedule - This is very Commonly and biggest problem to make us Procrastinator in anything. When we break our own Daily Routine and schedule, we frustrated. And that is cause of laziness and procrastination. 
  6. Overthinking - Overthinking and over - analysis sometimes makes us procrastinator. 
  7. Have no Passionate and experience - When we working by anyone's forcing, then it make us Procrastinator. We don't want to do that work, but someone's pressure, give us force to do.
  8. Got Failures - Have failures is important in your life, but accept them failures is never important. But sometimes, we we got rejected and get failures, it makes us very frustrated. The mainly cause of laziness and procrastination.
  9. No Results - There are so many jobs and works which takes too much time to success. Sometimes that long duration makes us procrastinator. 

Powerful Steps to Beat Procrastination

Fighting with your mindset and habits to overcome from laziness and procrastination. I think so it Will give you a New power and great Learnings.

So, let's get starting with Great thoughts on how to overcome Laziness and Procrastination

1. Start Before you sit

This is the first step to overcome your procrastination. It's about that Start your work or job before you going to sit on chair and whatever. Whatever we going to our chair or office, we got frustrated with Useless works like to setting table and things around yourself. 

         And we waste our own time with this useless things. So you need to start your work and have focus only on our work and job. 

2. Right and Clear Goal Setting

We need to have clear goal in our mind. I suggest that If you Something shy and introvert type of person, then don't share your goal or visions to anyone. 

       But the main thing that you must have a clear and big goal. Every business is a because of any small or big idea. So, you have a goal. 

       Beacuse if you going on High speed but don't have any direction. You can get your destinations. So, direction and goal is more important than speed or anything else. 

3. Do One thing at a time

If you do multiple tasks at a time, sometimes you got lazy yourself. That's most important that if you have multiple tasks to do, but don't have time. You need to make To-do list by everyday. 

      I highly suggest that make To-do list and Prioritize your work by most important to not important.

4. Measure Progress not Perfection

You don't want to be completely perfect, but you want to be Good, nothing else. Measure and observe your progresses and Learn from your mistakes. You always should have a great reason to comeback if you tired and depressed. 

       Don't find perfection in every area. Because we can't convince all people, either we are good or bad.

5. Listen a Powerful and Relaxing music or songs

Music is soul. Music is very good choice to remove stress, Depression, Mental illness, Anxiety. Music is our soul. 

       Whenever you think and feel that you're got lazy and procastinate then you should listen music or watching something better to remove negative vibrations. 

      I suggest you to listen or watch Motivation and Inspiration videos on YouTube. Listen Affirmations and Repeat everyday. Do Prayer and Read Bible and other Self Help Books and Novels.

6. Manage your Energy

You need to do exercise in difficult situations. You need to have patience. You need to manage your Energy. Because all things controlled by your Conscious and Subconscious Mind. 

     You need to do exercise everyday and do hard workout. Because the moving of your body and mind, helps you to release stress and anxiety. These things make you happy and energetic. 

        Balance your energy by balanced and Full Nutritional Diet. You need to have good food, but no junk food in your body and Mind.

       That's very important that don't take foolish and junk things and knowledge in your mind. Because your mind totally makes you. 

      Take deep breath and release your negative vibrations and get Positive energy and vibrations.

7. Use Zeigarnik Effect

Zeigarnik Effect is a psychological observation to explore the tendency to remember interrupted or incomplete tasks or events more easily than tasks that have been completed. 

       You shouldn't wait for right time. Don't wait for proper time, right mood, right choice, right Ideas, right situations. But you should have to make them right. 



You need to complete the all works you started. And yourself free.

8. Destroy what Destroy You

Which useless things and works, destroying your visions. Just Destroy them all, nothing else. It commit to yourself that I never do comparison of myself with anyone else. I always do comparison with myself, my past habits and deeds. It will make you powerful learner. 

       Kill it before it kills you, You need to observe all the unusual things and works, to out them from your life.

        Observe all the triggers and distraction, which are stops you to follow your passion. You need to minimise your distractions. 

      You need to learn How to manage your distractions. So, you don't waste your time and energy. Because the most important thing is your time, not money.

9. Always Reward yourself

It's very easy and good step to be yourself. To give rewards to yourself. Make any deadlines for complete your projects. And give commitment to yourself, that I'll give my 100% and get rewarded.

      It will make your mindset very well. So, build your mindset with powerful habits and replace your bad habits with good.

10. Remember your "Why"

This is more than most important that, you always remember Why you started. Don't forget your visions and goals. If anyone or anything hurts you. Don't be depressed, but have joy. Beacuse of you're in progression. 

        Don't listen to all people who wants to Stop You. But never stop, either have Results or not. Just don't forget your dreams and purposes. Don't miss Digital Opportunity. Always remember God and his commandments and laws. 

11. Accomplish Small tasks

There is no things, that gives you Very big in small time. But your small steps and tasks can give you what you want and what is your goal. 

       Complete your work with simple and small tasks. Have a momentum in your life. 

      Like momuntum, you go there where you want to go. And have consistency and patience in your life. 


You need to implement and apply these steps in your daily life. Not the all steps, but which you like and which is improve your intelligence. 

         You should share this Article to your friends whose struggle with Laziness and Procrastination. 

So, I beleive that you will get energy with this. And Learn How to Overcome Laziness and Procrastination forever.

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